Watch our 1st Data Science Bootcamp in which we cover hot topics in Data Science.

  1. Data Cleaning / Minning.
  2. Data Wrangling / Munging.
  3. Data Visualization.
  4. Working on Real-life  Datasets.

What is Data Science?

Data Science is a blend of various tools, algorithms, and machine learning principles with the goal to discover hidden patterns from the raw data. But how is this different from what statisticians have been doing for years?

The answer lies in the difference between explaining and predicting.

Data Analyst v/s Data Science - Edureka

As you can see from the above image, a Data Analyst usually explains what is going on by processing the history of the data. On the other hand, Data Scientist not only do exploratory analysis to discover insights from it but also uses various advanced machine learning algorithms to identify the occurrence of a particular event in the future. A Data Scientist will look at the data from many angles, sometimes angles not known earlier.